To date, about 100 people have glimpsed the “pre-release” version of TAKEN IN. Most of these individuals saw the film with others at private, invitation-only screenings. The rest have seen the film via SD DVD copies mailed to their homes.
The responses have been positive…and, ultimately, helpful as Jeter and I go back and finish the film in the coming weeks (release date: 7/15/11).
The most common critical comment has to do with the film’s shift in tone from Act I to Act II. Many people have seen this transition as too abrupt. That the tone established in the first twenty minutes is too different from the tone in the next twenty.
There has been some concern expressed over the slow pace of the first act…that it is too ponderous, too…contemplative.
There have been other criticisms of the film…most idiosyncratic, or limited to one person’s comments, but not echoed by any others.
But. The good news is that the vast majority of the comments about the film have been extremely positive: an interesting story, believable characters, solid acting, great camera work and editing, and a surprise ending that really connects with people emotionally.
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